I've spent the past two weeks working on this with the brilliant Aliki Chapple.
It's timely, brilliant and chewy. It stages the comment thread that unfolded below an online comic about sexism on the internet. The ensuing thread embodied every point the comic made about sexism on the internet. It really is astonishing what some people, real people in real rooms in real places, will type and send into the world, with every indication that this is what they really think and feel. It really is astonishing and it really is terrifying. And sometimes it really is hysterical. So the show is the internet made flesh in all its grisly, unhinged, diverse, beautiful horror. Despite some of the voices represented in the show being the absolute worst people imaginable, it's been a pleasure to work on. And despite these dregs of humanity, there is in there, in the end, a kind of hope. I'm incredibly grateful to Aliki, who's the powerhouse behind the project, for bringing me and everyone else on board. You should come and see what we've been up to. ONE NIGHT ONLY.
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Running with an ideaRunning commentary on: Archives
June 2023