- Turn it back on. - I'm not looking at that - It's Dermot Murnaghan. - All these pictures of I'm not looking at that why do they need to show that? - They have to. - All those skinny naked people with their ribs and their stomachs and ugh? - They have to show it. - It's horrifying. - Turn it back on. - I'm not looking at it. - You have to. - I'm sorry I physically I can't look. - It's your duty to look. - Fuck off. My duty? - If you don't look, that's you looking away isn't it? That's you saying, this is ok, I'm turning a blind eye to this, I'm looking away. You have to look at it. - but it's horrifying - Do you not see? - What am I achieving by looking? - You're confronting it. - I'm not. I'm getting used to it. I'm making it normal. I'm acclimatising. If I look for long enough the holocaust will become ok. If I look for long enough I won't care. - Looking doesn't make it ok. - The world needs more people who can't look. - Turn it back on.
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Running with an ideaRunning commentary on: Archives
June 2023